Marieke Maartense-Molendijk

Midwife, Ultrasound Technician

I am Marieke Maartense-Molendijk (1984), I am married and we have two sons, Luuk (2014) and Job (2016).

I graduated as a midwife in 2006 and it is a fantastic job. I still think it's so beautiful and special to be able to support a woman on her way to motherhood. It is exceptional to include prospective parents in monitoring the development of their unborn child. In addition to midwifery, I can offer broader care. I took an ultrasound course in 2010 and am now also an ultrasound technician. I have also been trained to place coils, which is a nice addition to our practice.

In 2022, I completed my training as a hormone coach. I can now do more for women in different stages of life where an imbalance of hormones can be restored through the influence of nutrition, lifestyle and stress management. Every woman deserves to be able to feel good in her own body and be happy with it, both physically and mentally. Recovery and preparation can help to achieve and maintain a healthy body.

For me, there are so many interesting aspects to my profession, and I want to continue to learn. To me, seeing a healthy baby being born and seeing the expectant mother and her partner becoming parents will always be something magical.

I hope to meet you soon in our practice.

BIG registration number: 89065697803
Marieke Maartense-Molendijk

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