Your first scan

The first few weeks of your pregnancy feel surreal. We know that right now, it is nice to have an ultrasound to see what is happening in your belly. At De Eerste Stap, ultrasounds are performed by an ultrasound technician who is also a midwife. Nice to know: you will be reimbursed for three ultrasounds. These are the term ultrasound, the 13-week ultrasound and the 20-week ultrasound. The health insurer covers the medical ultrasounds that are necessary in pregnancy, including the term ultrasound. Furthermore, as a pregnant woman, you get the option to choose a screening ultrasound examination at 13 and at 20 weeks. The 13-week ultrasound, which is currently offered for scientific research, is reimbursed by the government, just like the 20-week ultrasound. At the consultation, you will therefore receive a consent form for this.

Early ultrasound

The term ultrasound is done between 10 and 12 weeks. If this takes too long for you, you can ask if you can come for the first ultrasound around eight weeks. If there is no indication for this (blood loss or a miscarriage in the past history), you will pay for this ultrasound yourself. The price of an early ultrasound is €45.00. Call 036 54 00 266 for an appointment.

Non-medical ultrasound

It's good to see what's happening in your tummy. In addition to the dating scan and the 20-week scan that are covered by your health insurance, you can contact us for a non-medical private scan. This ultrasound is your own choice.
